I’m a Mom, Entrepreneur, Life Student, Wellness Influencer, Yoga Teacher, and Healer beside the many other traits I have. Here I talk about Parenting, Relationships, Communication, Learning from Nature, Happiness, Motivation and most of all Love of all things.
I’m Angela your Chief of Motivation and Inspiration
…is one of the remedies that Dr Bach grouped together under the category of overcare for welfare of others.
Introduction to the 3rd Bach Flower on my blog @AngelaWuerz.com
…was described by Dr Bach as the remedy for people who ‘feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them.’
People in a Beech state are critical and intolerant of others and cannot accept them how they are. They lack compassion and understanding of the circumstances and paths that other people are given, and are not able to see that everybody is in a different place on their journey through life.
Sometimes Beech intolerance show up in outbursts of irritability.
The remedy is taken to encourage tolerance of others so that Beech people can live and let live, so that they are able to see the positive in people surrounding them. As soon as that happens their irritability starts to disappear.
The positive potential of Beech is tolerance and a sense of compassion for and unity with others; the positive Beech person can see the good in others despite their imperfections.
Dr Bach’s description of Beech
For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection.
P.S. I’m inviting you to schedule a discovery call with me here. I look forward meeting and getting to know you better soon!
Let's Connect
I’m a Mom, Entrepreneur, Life Student, Wellness Influencer, Yoga Teacher, and Healer beside the many other traits I have. Here I talk about Parenting, Relationships, Communication, Learning from Nature, Happiness, Motivation and most of all Love of all things.
I’m Angela your Chief of Motivation and Inspiration
…is one of the remedies that Dr Bach grouped together under the category fear.
Introduction to the second Bach Flower on my blog @AngelaWuerz.com
…Aspen is often referred to as “the trembling tree” as its leaves seem to shiver and whisper with the wind. Needless to say Aspen ist one of the fear remedies. Not just any fear – it helps with unknown fears. When you feel apprehension, an anxious anticipation, some kind of foreboding or dread. However when you ask what he or she is afraid of, there is no specific fear present and the person cannot explain why they are fearful.
The positive potential of Aspen is a state of inner peace, security and fearlessness. Apprehension is replaced by a desire for adventure and new experiences, disregar- ding difficulties and dangers.
Dr Bach’s description of Aspen
Vague unknown fears, for which there can be given no explanation, no reason. Yet the patient may be terrified of something terrible going to happen, he knows not what. These vague unexplainable fears may haunt by night or day. Sufferers often are afraid to tell their trouble to others.
P.S. I’m inviting you to schedule a discovery call with me here. I look forward meeting and getting to know you better soon!
Let's Connect
I’m a Mom, Entrepreneur, Life Student, Wellness Influencer, Yoga Teacher, and Healer beside the many other traits I have. Here I talk about Parenting, Relationships, Communication, Learning from Nature, Happiness, Motivation and most of all Love of all things.
I’m Angela your Chief of Motivation and Inspiration
…is one of the remedies that Dr Bach grouped under the category oversensitivity to influences and ideas.
Introduction to the 1st Bach Flower on my blog @AngelaWuerz.com
…is the remedy for people who pretend to be cheerful and happy. Do you remember the sad clown who cheers everybody up while he himself is close to tears – that is the Agrimony personality. He/she does not share anything and even friends are the last to know that anything is wrong.
Sometimes Agrimony people use alcohol or drugs to help them stay ‘happy’. They do not like to be alone as it’s easier to pretend when there are people around you. However when they are alone their thoughts are coming back and they won’t stop.
Agrimony helps us overcome difficulties and we can live in more harmony. It helps us realize that laughing rather than dwell on our problems helps us overcome them. Agrimony helps anyone who tries to hide problems to work on solving them.
The positive potential of Agrimony is for those who are genuinely cheerful and good company, communicate their real feelings openly and can accept that life has its less pleasant side. Their cheerfulness stems from a real sense of self-acceptance and inner joy; they see problems in perspective and are diplomatic peace makers.
Dr Bach’s description of Agrimony
The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness.
– The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies
P.S. I’m inviting you to schedule a discovery call with me here. I look forward meeting and getting to know you better soon!